We are Pilgrims

Two men stand together in a palm grove.

This world is not our home! We are strangers in a strange land seemingly getting stranger by the moment. In fact, we as God’s people are just passing through, for…

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Pray for All People

Girl piggybacks boy in black and white.

In our Christian lives, prayer is essential to spiritual vitality. For it keeps us connected to the Lord, acknowledges our dependence upon Him, and is essential for leading a fruitful…

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Call to Me

Man speaking outside a stone church.

Bottled water is a fascinating phenomenon. I sometimes wonder if bottled water today is a matter of necessity or nicety – do we consume it because it’s convenient or because…

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Not Ashamed

Man in blue shirt smiling at camera.

We human beings like control! I recently curiously googled “control freak” and in less than one second over 100 million results popped up. We like to be in control and…

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