Read Inspirational and Instructive Articles Written by Larry Stamm


Pray for All People

In our Christian lives, prayer is essential to spiritual vitality. For it keeps us connected...

Call to Me

Bottled water is a fascinating phenomenon. I sometimes wonder if bottled water today is a...

Divine Appointments

Vividly I remember this strange occurance. It was a Friday morning at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport,...
bill larry israel copy

A Coordinated Effort

The bomb is a beautiful thing! You may be thinking, “What? A bomb, beautiful?” Yes, I’m...

Not Ashamed

We human beings like control! I recently curiously googled “control freak” and in less than...
ed me

The Reconciliation Of All Things

As I was sharing the gospel with a friend a few weeks ago, he parried...

A Case Study in Rejection Management

We live in a world that often says hard work and doing the right thing...
outdoor Larry

Two Sides of Judgment

“Judge not!” says the spirit of the age. In contrast, the Lord essentially tells us...
A person standing in front of a river with snow mountains in the far back

Speak Life: Part 3

I’m a jogger. I enjoy the great outdoors as I ploddingly put one foot in...

Speak Life: Part 2

Politically-correct (PC) speech is domineering our public discourse in 2024 in unprecedented fashion! PC conversation,...