Hope for the Hopeless
As I was pondering my thoughts for this article, I googled “hopeless” into the search engine and clicked. What popped up: over 700 million million results – astounding! Needless to say,…
Read MoreKickstarting Your Witness
Ever felt like your witness for Jesus was stale, stalled or simply ineffective? I know I have. I want a heart that breaks for the lost. I desire to love…
Read MoreGo Tell it on the Mountain!
The simple, calming and mysterious ring of the bells still echo in my mind. Each night around sunset, songs rang from the top steeple of the Lutheran Church, which sat…
Read MoreLost & Found
In doing a life inventory, I see my life prior to coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus as an utter mess. Although I grew up attending synagogue and believing…
Read MoreA Great Miracle Happened There
The vividness of recollection is striking. It was May of 2001 – during a tour of the Holy Land, I was standing in the catacombs of the Church of the…
Read MoreLove Your Enemies
The greatest act of love coincided with a great act of injustice, treachery, and hate! And yet, the victim of this heinous atrocity uttered words which confront, convict, and jar…
Read MoreProvidence, Proximity, and Proclamation
Christmas and Hanukkah have a unique relationship among religious holidays. They are alike in some ways, different in others, and yet there are several profound threads of commonality that point to…
Read MoreThanksgiving
In Everything Give Thanks Do you ever have trouble sleeping? Occasionally I wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep. Amidst this circumstance…
Read MoreThe End of the Story
Have you seen this old earth? It’s quite crazy out there. In fact, it appears as though evil is proliferating like a raging freight train coming down the track with…
Read MoreFather Forgive Them
As a competitive athlete-turned-coach for many years, I learned that focus and perspective are critical to being successful. The main thing in tennis is watching the ball. It’s simple, but…
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