Call to Me

Bottled water is a fascinating phenomenon. I sometimes wonder if bottled water today is a matter of necessity or nicety – do we consume it because it’s convenient or because…

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Not Ashamed

We human beings like control! I recently curiously googled “control freak” and in less than one second over 100 million results popped up. We like to be in control and…

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Two Sides of Judgment

“Judge not!” says the spirit of the age. In contrast, the Lord essentially tells us in His Word to “judge wisely” [i.e. Leviticus 19:15, Proverbs 31:9, John 7:24]. The qualifier from the Lord…

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Speak Life: Part 2

Politically-correct (PC) speech is domineering our public discourse in 2024 in unprecedented fashion! PC conversation, in theory, is intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in…

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