Evangelism is a Heart Issue

As I’ve thought about the evangelistic endeavor through the years, on occasion I’ve quipped in teaching venues, “Evangelism is simply about following Jesus.” Why? Because the Lord said, “Follow Me and I…

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Evangelism is a Process

Evangelism is a process, not an event! Paradoxically, “the process” is made up of separate events which God uses in an individual’s journey to faith. Jesus’ parable of the soils…

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The Written Witness

Did any of you remember seeing the much-ballyhooed debate in 2014 between Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis and Bill Nye, the Science Guy? Their televised wide-ranging debate on evolution…

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You Follow Me

Have you ever been tempted to keep up with the Joneses? Or perhaps you compare yourself to others and make judgments, good or bad, about how you’re actually doing. In…

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