Call to Me (part two)
A pastor friend of mine named Jim has been witnessing to his pediatrist, a Jewish man named Mark. Mark is open to spiritual things and is searching. Jim, has shared…
Read MorePray for All People
In our Christian lives, prayer is essential to spiritual vitality. For it keeps us connected to the Lord, acknowledges our dependence upon Him, and is essential for leading a fruitful…
Read MoreCall to Me
Bottled water is a fascinating phenomenon. I sometimes wonder if bottled water today is a matter of necessity or nicety – do we consume it because it’s convenient or because…
Read MoreDivine Appointments
Vividly I remember this strange occurance. It was a Friday morning at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, July 1, 2016. I was flying home to Tennessee after a visit to the Windy…
Read MoreA Coordinated Effort
The bomb is a beautiful thing! You may be thinking, “What? A bomb, beautiful?” Yes, I’m actually talking about a pass in football, otherwise known as the long bomb. If you…
Read MoreNot Ashamed
We human beings like control! I recently curiously googled “control freak” and in less than one second over 100 million results popped up. We like to be in control and…
Read MoreThe Reconciliation Of All Things
As I was sharing the gospel with a friend a few weeks ago, he parried my explanation of redemption and offer of salvation in Christ with a common objection, one…
Read MoreA Case Study in Rejection Management
We live in a world that often says hard work and doing the right thing will bring the desired results. To promote the desired result there are a myriad of…
Read MoreTwo Sides of Judgment
“Judge not!” says the spirit of the age. In contrast, the Lord essentially tells us in His Word to “judge wisely” [i.e. Leviticus 19:15, Proverbs 31:9, John 7:24]. The qualifier from the Lord…
Read MoreSpeak Life: Part 3
I’m a jogger. I enjoy the great outdoors as I ploddingly put one foot in front of the other in this way – moving, breathing, sweating, working my heart and…
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