You Can Handle the Truth: About Spiritism and Polytheism

You can handle the truth about Spiritism and Polytheism. According to this worldview, the earth is populated by spirit beings who govern what goes on. Gods and demons are the real reason behind “natural” events. Material things are real, but they have spirits associated with them and, therefore, can be interpreted spiritually. In many primitive cultures it’s believed that inanimate objects, plants and/or animals are possessed by spirits (good or evil) which must be appeased through occult practices. 

Man is a creation of the gods like the rest of the creatures on earth. Often, tribes, peoples or races have a special relationship with certain gods who can both protect and punish them.

Truth about the natural world is discovered through the shaman figure or spirit guide who has visions telling him or her what the gods and demons are doing and how they feel.

In the belief of spiritism, people often try and contact the spirits or gods, which can include people who have died. The contact is for various reasons: to learn about the future, to influence the outcome of future events, and to gain knowledge. Mediums are used in such attempted contacts. Often times a séance is used to contact the spirit world – people gather in a circle in a dimly lit room while a medium guides the people in attempt to contact the spirit world.

What does the Bible say about spiritism and polytheism?

Of course, the Bible teaches us that there is a spiritual world which is comprised of both angelic and demonic forces. But we are forbidden from Scripture to practice spiritism because it opens us up the individual to demonic oppression: 

“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead” (Deuteronomy 18:10-11).

Remember in 1 Samuel 28 when Saul consulted a medium, hoping to receive an encouraging word from Samuel (who is dead) after God did not answer his inquiry – not good!

The Bible does recognize the existence of other gods but only as false gods who have no real existence (1 Corinthians 8:5-6; Galatians 4:8-9) and clearly teaches that there is only one true God (Isaiah 43:1044:6845:51418212246:947:8).

Ancient Israel was faced with the problem of the gods of other nations creeping into the theology of Judaism and corrupting the true revelation of God. For example, Baal, the Canaanite god of rain, was among the most revered gods in the day, exercising a powerful influence over the religion of many pagan cultures. And unfortunately, Baal worship even infected the Jewish community at various times.

How does Spiritism and Polytheism answer the four foundational questions whereby we can objectively measure a worldview? In simple terms, this way:

  • Where did we come from? When it comes to the world’s origins, there’s not just one polytheistic view. Some hold that the world is a result of a catastrophic battle between warring gods, yet we have to ask, “Where did they come from?” Some polytheistic traditions teach there was one primary deity involved in creation, but this  deity is not a personal creator as we view our Creator God. Despite many differences, generally all polytheists hold to the belief that the basic elements of the world have always existed. 
  • How do Spiritism and Polytheism provide meaning? The natural world is affected by the spiritual world. Hence, it’s important to appease or please the gods to get what you want or to avoid irritating or angering the gods in order to avoid their ‘wrath,’ and hence, keep you from getting what you want. This paradigm is much different than our personal relationship with our personal Creator God and meaning of life for us as believers – knowing Him and making Him known.
  • What moral framework does Spiritism and Polytheism provide? Moral values take the form of taboos, which are things that offend or provoke various spirits. These taboos are different from the idea of “good and evil” because it is just as important to avoid irritating evil spirits as it is good ones.
  • What is our ultimate destiny? Spiritism and Polytheism belief in the survival of the human spirit after death and also often includes the practice of trying to make contact with the spirits of people who have died. It affirms reincarnation

In practice, our witness among people adhering to Spiritism and Polytheism we must explain the dangers of occult activity and ultimate protection and provision that comes from knowing the one true God – Jesus. And understand that occult activity is on the rise in 2023, not only here in America, but around the world!

Additionally, for those who believe the universe is eternal, we can raise the origin question in light of Genesis 1:1 and scientific fact that the universe is finite and had a beginning.

In doing some online research, I discovered this compelling testimony by a former spiritist that I trust will encourage you:

Finally, pray! Ask the Lord to bind and remove Satan’s work in _________________’s life and to open _______________’s eyes to the truth of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4) and ask the Lord for wisdom in your witness and for a word or words aptly spoken (Proverbs 25:11).

“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
