Interacting with Atheists: One Man’s Musings
In our Christian witness, many people in our lives are going to have some kind of God-paradigm, – some belief in some kind of higher power. But what about those who openly profess a non-God paradigm, – namely the atheist.
Though small in number, the number of professing atheists is on the rise in America.
In a 2023 Pew Survey on Religion in America, roughly 4% of respondents identified as atheists. a statistic that’s more than doubled since 2007. Some researchers believe the number of people holding atheist beliefs is much higher than the numbers indicate. Whatever the actual numbers, we can safely say that atheism is on the rise, but still small in relation to the general population.
Some people argue that this statistical rise in people openly identifying as ‘atheist’ reflects an increasing willingness of people to be honest. The reason given for this trend is that as secularism grows in America, people are becoming more comfortable openly identifying as atheist, a position historically shunned by many in our country.
As followers of Jesus, we shouldn’t shun anyone, including atheists. In fact, we need to be ready to share our faith, or give an “apologetic” for our belief in Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I have a few atheists in my life – even in my own family. It is good for us to have compassion for these precious people who need the Lord. It is also helpful to understand basic objections to belief in God and cogent responses to them as we strive to plant gospel seeds.
As we discuss atheism and witnessing to atheists, my goal isn’t necessarily provide you with all the spiritual ammunition you need to combat and witness to atheists – that information is readily available and I will provide some recommended resources. Rather, I want to share my experiences, understanding and some anecdotes – one man’s musings.
Musing #1 – “How did you get here?”
Life is dynamic and ever-changing…it keeps moving. As the Scripture states: “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11).
Over the years I have had spiritual conversations with many people, some of them atheists. And no matter the religious position one may hold, a common thread is this: people arrive at their stated positions over a period of time, namely over the course of their lifetime.
With this in mind, it is always a healthy exercise to ask people how they have arrived at a particular position of belief…or lack thereof.
For an informed witness should enhance the effectiveness of our witness to others. In our post-modern world, where many people, including atheists, don’t necessarily hold to any absolute truth, gathering information before making proclamations is helpful.
As God opens doors to spiritual conversation, when someone acknowledges an atheist position, ask them, “How did you arrive at that position, where you don’t believe in God?”
Here is one helpful article highlighting the various causes of atheism. It’s likely the individual you’re speaking with has taken one or more of these paths.
It seems to me that underlying much of the atheist paradigm, admittedly or not, stems from a place of staunch individualism, where a person either refuses or rejects submission, surrender, or accountability to a higher power. In short, if there’s no God, there’s no absolute moral standard and therefore, a person can do anything he or she pleases with no moral constraint or accountability.
Aldous Huxley (1894–1963), an English writer, novelist, philosopher, famously stated, “I had motive for not wanting the world to have a meaning … the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation, sexual and political.”
Atheism in not only a position against something – belief in God. It’s also a position for something – the individual autonomy of man and all the freedom it affords, including freedom from a transcendent moral standard!
Finding out ‘how they got here from there’ will help inform and enhance your witness.
Musing #2 – Something from Nothing or Something from Something?
When thinking about interacting with any philosophy, worldview, or religion – the concept of origins is always a good place to start.
And when it comes to atheism here’s a great starting point that packs a punch in the form of a revealing question: “Do you believe something comes from nothing or something comes from something?”
First cause is always a dilemma for an atheist. I’ve met many. During my years as a missionary in New York City, I would point to the buildings and ask the individual where they came from. In so many words, the response would be, “From man.” I would then ask, “Were you there when these buildings were erected?” “No.”
I would then state, “So your belief that men built those buildings is a statement of faith, but not blind faith. We have good evidence people built those buildings, because we know men build buildings, yes?”
I would then point out, “Watch, watchmaker. Auto, automaker. Creation, Creator – savvy?”
Finally, I would confront the notion that Christianity is blind faith noting the biblical definition of faith from Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” So faith is substantive and it’s based on evidence. There is general revelation in creation, written revelation in the bible, and living revelation in the historical Jesus, whose tomb is empty!
For the person who answers who says something comes from nothing, I have followed up with this question, “So if I understand your position, you’re saying you believe time plus chance plus nothing equals everything?”
In contrast, some atheists have grudgingly acknowledged that the universe must have been caused by someone or something. I, in response, point to the creator and have challenged many to pray a ‘Skeptics prayer’ – “God if you’re real, show me.”
In short, regarding the first cause to the universe, there are only two choices – something comes from something or something comes from nothing?
Here’s an excellent link to more answers to atheist positions: To read, click here. Enjoy.
In our next post, I will continue sharing more musings about interaction with atheists. Until then, as the Lord puts you in the path of an atheist, I pray He would give you a word aptly spoken – that Jesus would be glorified and gospel seed planted. Amen.
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” – 1 Peter 3:15