Interacting with Atheists, part 2
“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God,’” so wrote the Psalmist. And yet, that fool needs the Lord!
In our last post we noted that while atheists statistically represent 4% of our American population, researchers believe that number is low compared with the number of people holding atheist beliefs. We also noted atheism is on the rise in America.
In any case, I have people in my life and even in my family who are professing atheists. And you?
As we continue our discussion on interacting with atheists, I continue my musings, which I trust will be helpful in your witness to those in your midst who hold to this position.
Musing #3 – Openness, A Key To Engagement
While interacting with an atheist, as with any unbeliever, it’s important to find out if they’re actually interested in evidence that both challenges their position and champions truth.
As a missionary to my Jewish people, I would on occasion ask, “Do you think there’s any chance Jesus could be our Messiah?” If the response was ‘yes’ I would follow up with, “Well then are you willing to examine the evidence yourself and honestly go wherever it takes you?”
While some were sincere seekers, you may surprised to know that I had on occasion people respond in this way, “I don’t care if Jesus is the Messiah. He may be…but I will not believe in Him!” As you might imagine, various reasons would be given justifying that position of obstinance.
To no surprise, there are atheists who hold the same position – “I’m not interested in the evidence and nothing will persuade me otherwise.”
One well-known apologist commented on those who doggedly maintain atheist position: “To sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge, which is tantamount to saying, ‘I have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge.’”
What do you when the atheist is closed and not willing to converse about spiritual matters? Love them, pray for them and demonstrate God’s love to them, all the while respecting their wishes. At the same time, know the Holy Spirit can move in the hardest of hearts – for through the power of God – the heart that is closed today may open tomorrow!
In contrast, there are professing atheists who actually are open and inquisitive and willing to examine answers to their given objections. If so, proceed, as you’re informed by what they share and how the Holy Spirit leads!
In short, go through open doors and and respect closed doors…it will save you much pain.
Musing #4 – Seek to win the Atheist to Christ, not win an argument
As with our witness to anyone, the Spirit in which we witness is critical. For we can deliver the right information with a sinful, fleshly, competitive spirit, which typically won’t be helpful.
Rather we ought seek to give answers and evidence “with gentleness and respect,” as 1 Peter 3:15 instructs us.
Here’s a YouTube video of magician, comedian, and atheist, Penn Jillette, who encountered a believer after one of his shows. It’s a powerful testimony from a man who had gospel seed planted in his heart.
Additionally, here’s a link to an article related to that moving encounter.
As you watch the video and check out the article, my mind was drawn to the Apostle Paul’s testimony to the church in Corinth, which has application to our witness not only to atheists, but to all people:
“And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (1 Corinthians 2:1-4).
As we witness to atheists and others, may we also humbly declare the testimony of God in demonstration of the Spirit and power. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Musing #5 – Dealing with the Angry Atheist
If God does not exist, shouldn’t atheists just relax and seek a good time before they become plant food? Why should it matter if people believe in God?
Well, for some, especially the ‘new atheists’ like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, there exists a form of atheism filled with vigor, militancy and proselytizing.
The new atheists do not restrict themselves to a passive disbelief. Rather, they are actively engaged in admonishing others to follow suit, to declare their non-belief in God, and to take the necessary steps to rid the world of all religious belief and practice. In short, to the new atheists – “Religion – bad!” As outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins puts it in The God Delusion, “I do everything in my power to warn people against faith itself.”
It’s one thing to hold to a position. It’s another thing to actively dissuade people from believing in God.
If you run across this type of atheist, you can choose to engage or avoid them. However, if you choose to engage, set some ground rules with them. Stick to the facts and evidences for and against the existence of God – don’t get personal. If they’re amenable and open to interaction, go for it.
May I suggest a question to be posed: “If your atheism is right, we’re all worm food. Please allow me my delusion. But if Jesus is who He claims to be and the Bible truly is God’s Word, you are in big trouble. Is there any chance you could be wrong?”
Here’s an tremendous website equipping the saint to battle militant atheism.
And this powerful clip from the movie, “God’s Not Dead” that highlights a professing atheist’s true colors – a hatred for the God who is!
Amidst the myriad of questions we can raise to the angry atheist, here’s a great one: “How can you be so angry about a God you don’t believe exists?”
Musing #6 – God is Saving Atheists!
The saving hand of our loving God is not to short to stretch out and grab even the staunchest of atheists.
Here is but a short list of well-known atheists who received Christ:
Kirk Cameron –
Alister McGrath –
C.S. Lewis –
Lee Strobel –
Additionally, here’s another testimony from a former atheist.
As we interact with atheists in our sphere’s of influence, be encouraged, be bold, and be equipped, knowing the Lord can bring the atheist in your life out of darkness and into light.
I hope this brief series atheists has been both inspirational and instructional. May we go forth, shining the light of Christ with those who have no hope, including atheists. And as we shine the light and love of God, may we also share the reasons we believe, that many would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Amen!
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15).