Three Book Special


This is the collection of Larry Stamm’s first three published books. Serving in His Court contains timeless evangelism principles for any Christian who wants to be more confident in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ (2014). Into the Gale is a current work for the Christian who recognizes the signs of the times as did the sons of Issachar and desires encouragement to press on in persecution; based on enduring lessons from the book of Acts (2018). Jewish Roots of Christianity is an eye-opening survey of redemption that connects the Jewish roots of our Christian faith (2021).



Serving In His Court: Biblical Principles For Personal Evangelism From The Heart Of A Coach 

One of the defining works of the Christian life is sharing the Gospel. Nothing is more important and few things are more frightening. Knowing what needs to be done and how to do it are very different things. Larry Stamm strips away the mystery and the fear of sharing one’s faith — your faith. Before entering full-time ministry, Larry spent years coaching tennis. In Serving in His Court, he draws on those years of professional coaching to teach believers everywhere how to share the Good News. Larry uses the sport of tennis as a metaphor for intentional witnessing and covers everything the evangelistic Christian needs to know. Heartfelt, casual, to the point, and drawn from years of one-on-one witnessing, Serving in His Court will help anyone who wants to change the world one person at a time.

Into The Gale

Twelve Evangelistic Lessons from the Book of Acts! How does the dedicated Christian living in an increasingly secular and hostile country share the gospel? Are the days of evangelism over? Is it time to throw in the gospel towel and shelter behind the brick walls of the church? Larry Stamm says, no. In his book Into the Gale, he argues that evangelism is still a vital part of the Christian life. Taking lessons from the first century church as found in the Bible’s Book of Acts, he shows how the twenty-first century Christian can still take a stand for Christ. Yes, the contemporary church is sailing on choppy seas and in gale storm winds, but the church is not sinking. The work today continues as it did so long ago. And people are still coming to Christ. Into the Gale uses ancient truths to guide the modern believer into a storm-tossed society—and prevail.

Jewish Roots of Christianity 

Discovering your Jewish roots means discovering your Biblical roots! In one sense it may be stated that the gospels are simply a Jewish debate among Jewish people about the true identity of a Jewish man, Jesus. And the story takes place in the Holy Land, Israel. Now what could be more Jewish than that? In “Jewish Roots of Christianity: A Biblical Survey of Redemptive History from Genesis to Revelation”, Larry Stamm, a first-generation Holocaust survivor and Jewish follower of Jesus, examines the religion of the Old Testament and in its ultimate fulfillment in the messianic hope as detailed in page after page of the New Testament. Jesus himself challenges us to “search the Scriptures…it is these which bear witness of me” (John 5:39). In this biblical survey, Larry Stamm introduces such topics as the gospel in the Old Testament, how the Feasts of Israel point to the person and work of Messiah Jesus, the historical interaction between Biblical Judaism and New Testament faith, and more.


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