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Enter by the Narrow Gate
Have you ever heard a statement of fact and your first reaction was, “Nah!” Well,...
Fishers of Men
Perhaps you’ve seen on a church marque or bumper sticker the following quip: “Be a...
Dealing with Distraction
We live in curious times. While our present day has been called the Age of...
Amazing Grace
My life was radically changed in 1987 when Jesus saved me! I have, over time, distilled...
Image is Everything
“Image is everything” is the name of an iconic 1980s ad campaign by Canon which promoted...
I don’t have the gift
I don’t have the gift of evangelism, really. You may think you don’t possess the...
The Healing of Naaman: From Pride to Faith
“It can’t be that easy! All you have to do is believe?” This sentiment is...