Read Inspirational and Instructive Articles Written by Larry Stamm

A kid holding a bagel and looking through its hole

Open Doors

We love to visit my mother in sunny warm Florida. On one visit, as we...

Esther and Evangelism

Purim is the Jewish holiday commemorating the deliverance of my Jewish people from Haman’s wicked...
Two children playing together at a room

Hamantaschen cookie recipe

When our children were young, one of their most favorite holidays was Purim. Now they...

Boldness, Peace, Protection

Newsflash! We’re at war! It’s not a battle of flesh and blood. It’s spiritual in...
A person standing in front of a river with snow mountains in the far back

Praying for…

Over the past 20+ years, the Lord has given me a platform through public speaking,...

Evangelism Starts on our Knees

Going through the motions is a battle we face in life across the board. Perhaps...

Go to God First

Prayer is good. Prayer is necessary. Pray is essential to our Christian life, and to...

The Wonder of Newness

A sense of awe and wonder filled the air. Stillness. Change, slow and deliberate, like the...

The Weapons of our Warfare

My boxing career was short-lived! A friend of mine, Mark, who lived in our apartment...

This is War!

You’ve certainly heard the expression, “If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.” Well,...