Read Inspirational and Instructive Articles Written by Larry Stamm

A man smiling in a blue shirt outdoors.

A Daunting Question

Being an assistant tennis coach at East Tennessee State University in the mid-90s gave me...
Two men stand together in a palm grove.

We are Pilgrims

This world is not our home! We are strangers in a strange land seemingly getting...
Purple heart on blue background.

Call to Me (part two)

A pastor friend of mine named Jim has been witnessing to his pediatrist, a Jewish...
Girl piggybacks boy in black and white.

Pray for All People

In our Christian lives, prayer is essential to spiritual vitality. For it keeps us connected...
Man speaking outside a stone church.

Call to Me

Bottled water is a fascinating phenomenon. I sometimes wonder if bottled water today is a...
Man in suit speaking at a podium.

Divine Appointments

Vividly I remember this strange occurance. It was a Friday morning at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport,...
Two men stand with Jerusalem in background.

A Coordinated Effort

The bomb is a beautiful thing! You may be thinking, “What? A bomb, beautiful?” Yes, I’m...
Man in blue shirt smiling at camera.

Not Ashamed

We human beings like control! I recently curiously googled “control freak” and in less than...
Two men smiling in front of a brick building.

The Reconciliation Of All Things

As I was sharing the gospel with a friend a few weeks ago, he parried...
Man with goatee wearing striped shirt.

A Case Study in Rejection Management

We live in a world that often says hard work and doing the right thing...